Apply to join NeXXXus
Step 1 of 6
Welcome. Your new adventure awaits you. Let's get you started.
Choose a profile name. Think of something that suits your personality or use a cheeky nickname that you have. Stuck? Try If you already have a profile on other swinger social sites it's advisable to continue with the same name so your friends can find you.
Make sure you put in a valid email address, it is an important part to verify that you are a real person. You don't want to miss any of our awesome future parties!
Choose a password that is known to you or easy to remember. You'll need it every time you log in. In the unfortunate instance where you forget it, just click send a new password on the Login page and a new one will be generated for you.
Choose your profile type carefully. Input your gender. Yes, there are only two. If you identify as a lampshade, this is not the place for you. Any changes to this will need to be verified and changed on request by an administrator.
Profile Name
Allowed: [0-9][a-z][A-Z][.][_] between 5 - 15 characters long
Email address
A valid working email address is required
Choose a unique secure password between 6 - 16 characters long
Profile Type
Please choose correctly as this can not be changed by you. Only Administrators can change it on request.
Referred By
Please enter the name, profile name or member account ID of the person/people who referred you to NeXXXus
Accept Terms
Club Rules and Indemnity
By clicking Apply Now, you hereby accept the NeXXXus Terms of Use policy and agree to behave accordingly while on NeXXXus.
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